Three Tips For Networking At A Lunch And Learn

Lunch and Learn events are fantastic opportunities to grow your professional network and gain valuable knowledge and insights. These events, hosted by the North Charleston Chamber of Commerce, provide an ideal platform to connect with like-minded individuals, build meaningful relationships, and empower yourself with industry tips and trends. To make the most of your networking experience at these events, here are three valuable tips to keep in mind.

Come Prepared

Preparation is key when attending any networking event, and a Lunch and Learn is no exception. Before the event, research the topic and speaker if it has been announced in advance. Having a basic understanding of the subject matter will ensure you can actively engage in discussions and ask thoughtful questions during the event. Additionally, take some time to update your own professional resume or business card and have them readily available. This allows you to present yourself confidently when connecting with others and enables them to remember you afterward.

Be Open and Approachable

Networking events can be intimidating, especially if you’re not naturally outgoing. However, by adopting an open and approachable demeanor, you’ll make it easier for others to engage with you. Smile, maintain eye contact, and be genuinely interested in what others have to say. Active listening is crucial during networking events. By showing genuine interest, you’ll leave a lasting impression and build stronger connections. Remember, networking is a two-way street, so be prepared to share information about yourself, your professional experiences, and your goals. Don’t be afraid to start conversations, introduce yourself to new people, and ask open-ended questions to stimulate meaningful discussions.

Follow Up

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of networking is to follow up after the event. Making connections during a Lunch and Learn is just the first step. To truly establish and nurture those relationships, it’s essential to follow up with the individuals you connected with. Within a couple of days, send a personalized email expressing your pleasure in meeting them and reference the conversation you had. Share any relevant information or resources you discussed during your meeting, showcasing your genuine interest. This follow-up not only acknowledges their time and effort but also demonstrates your commitment to building a professional relationship.


Attending Lunch and Learn events hosted by the North Charleston Chamber of Commerce can be highly beneficial for your professional growth and networking opportunities. By coming prepared, being open and approachable, and following up afterward, you will maximize the value derived from these events. Each connection you make has the potential to open new doors, offer fresh perspectives, and propel your career or business forward. So, put these tips into practice, and make your next Lunch and Learn experience a successful one!

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